A photo of Kori Pennypacker & Meredith Steidler
June 27, 2023
Kori & Meredith
Top 3 Spiritual Questions Kids Ask: #3 – “What happens after I die?”

Kori & Meredith wrap up week 3 in a June mini-series covering the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask. So far we’ve answered the questions “Where do I come from?” and “What’s my purpose?” Today Kori & Meredith will discuss “What happens after I die?” This question – along with everything we need for life and godly living – is answered in Scripture!

A photo of Kori Pennypacker & Meredith Steidler
June 20, 2023
Kori & Meredith
The Top 3 Spiritual Questions Kids Ask: #2 – “What’s My Purpose?”

This is week #2 in our mini-series covering the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask. This week, the question is “What’s My Purpose?” Kori and Meredith dig deep to uncover what our purpose truly is and discuss how we can teach this to the kids in our lives!

A photo of Kori Pennypacker & Meredith Steidler
June 13, 2023
Kori & Meredith
The Top 3 Spiritual Questions Kids ask: #1 – “Where Do I Come From?”

Kori & Meredith start a June mini-series discussing the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask.

A photo of Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker
June 6, 2023
Kori & Lee
The Importance of Teaching Kids a Biblical Worldview

Kori & Lee talk sunglasses to demonstrate why it’s so important for children to process life through a Biblical worldview.

A photo of Donna Nicholson Stief
May 30, 2023
Donna Nicholson Steif
Stewarding Grief Well With Our Kids, Part II

Donna Nicholson Stief joins us in part two of a two week discussion on how to steward grief well with the children in our lives.

A photo of Donna Nicholson Stief
May 23, 2023
Donna Nicholson Stief
Stewarding Grief Well With Our Kids, Part I

Donna Nicholson Stief brings us a topic not often discussed – stewarding grief well with the kids in our life.

A photo of Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship
May 16, 2023
Don MacLafferty
Fun and Engaging Ideas for a Kid’s Prayer Walk

Don MacLafferty from In Discipleship, is sharing some simple tips to incorporate God’s creation, walking, and prayer in a fun and impactful way!

Linsey Driskill
May 9, 2023
Linsey Driskill
Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible

Kori chats with author and For Girls Like You Director of Development & Partnerships, Linsey Driskill, about Beautiful Hearted Women of the Bible, a devo geared toward tweens.


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7