A photo of Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship
January 11, 2022
Don MacLafferty
How to Become a Great Disciple Maker to the Children in Your Life

Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship, unpacks the importance of being a great disciple maker to the children in our lives and offers simple, effective tips.

A photo of Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker
January 4, 2022
Lee Nienhuis
Praises from 2021 and Prayers for 2022

Lee & Kori review 2021 and look ahead to 2022. Listen to some highlights from the year, special Godstories, and what we’re looking forward to this year.

A photo of Carol Rabold
December 14, 2021
Carol Rabold
Spotlighting Jesus at Christmas

Carol, Bible2School teacher and leader, discusses fun and practical ways to help our children put Jesus first during the Christmas season.

A photo of Ben Vander Kodde, Program Director at Grace Adventures
December 7, 2021
Ben Vander Kodde
Building Positive Peer Relationships

Ben Vander Kodde, Program Director at Grace Adventures, believes that our kids can be influential in creating a culture of value in their schools and groups.

A photo of Dr. Jenn Rivera, Director of Educational Programs at Answers in Genesis
November 30, 2021
Jennifer Rivera
How Science Helps Kids Understand God’s Creation

Jennifer Rivera, Science Educator at Answers in Genesis, helps us understand how we can connect the historical account of Genesis to the science we’re studying today.

A photo of Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker
November 23, 2021
Kori & Lee
5 Ways to Explore Gratefulness with Kids

Kori & Lee uncover examples of thankfulness found in the Bible and share 5 ways to teach your kids about the importance of gratitude.

A photo of Mike Lutz
November 16, 2021
Mike Lutz
How do you know the Bible is true?

Mike Lutz, who is passionate about teaching Scripture, answers the important question, “How do you know the Bible is true?”

A photo of Michelle Nietert
November 9, 2021
Michelle Nietert
Mental & Spiritual Health for Children

Michelle Nietert, professional counselor, discusses how mental and spiritual health go hand in hand with impacting a child.


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7