A photo of Justin Kleiner, Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes
September 7, 2021
Justin Kleiner
Growing Faith Through School Sports

Justin Kleiner, Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, unpacks how sports can have a positive influence in our children’s lives.

Lee Nienhuis
August 31, 2021
Lee Nienhuis
Building A Healthy Support System for Children

Lee dives into building a healthy adult support system for your children and the impact it will have on their faith through life.

A photo of Marie Good, a Bible2School teacher
August 24, 2021
Marie Good
A Practical Lesson for Prayer: Traffic Lights

Bible2School teacher, Marie, discusses the questions kids ask and shares how she uses a traffic light to teach children about prayer.

A photo of Lisa Landis, WJTL radio host
August 17, 2021
Lisa Landis
Bible Songs & Kids

WJTL radio host, Lisa Landis, explores how music can be used to introduce children to Jesus in a fun and memorable way.

A photo of Alex Kendrick ,movie producer and author
August 10, 2021
Alex Kendrick
Intentionally Sharing the Gospel

Hear from movie producer, Alex Kendrick, about his passion for intentionally sharing the gospel with everyone, especially our children.

A photo of Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker
August 3, 2021
Kori & Lee
Why Should We Tell Children About Jesus?

Learn why it’s so important that we tell the next generation about Jesus and hear the three spiritual questions we hear the most from children.

A headshot of Kori Pennypacker, Bible2School's CEO
July 27, 2021
Kori Pennypacker
How Do I Introduce the Bible to Children?

We want our kids to have the same love for God’s Word and vibrancy in their faith that we do. Learn how to introduce your kids to the Bible.

A photo of Barb Cole, Mid-Atlantic Division Coordinator for Mom’s In Prayer
July 20, 2021
Barb Cole
Why Start with Prayer?

Praying for our kids is one of the most important things we can do. Learn how prayer can be strategic, proactive, and powerful.


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7