A photo of Marie Good, a Bible2School teacher
November 1, 2022
Marie Good
Jacob & Esau: A Skit That Brings Forgiveness to Life

Marie, a Bible2School teacher, talks about forgiveness using an interactive story of Jacob & Esau

A photo of Fred McNaughton, from WJTL
October 25, 2022
Fred McNaughton
Kids, The Bible & Silly Songs

Phredd, local radio station host & manager, teaches us how to worship with our whole being using silly songs and God’s Word.

A photo of Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker
October 18, 2022
Kori & Lee
Deuteronomy 6: Loving God with all your heart, soul & might

Kori Pennypacker, CEO of Bible2School, discusses Deuteronomy 6 and loving God with all your heart, soul & might

A photo of Valerie Bell, AWANA CEO
October 11, 2022
Valerie Bell
Raising Lifelong Disciples

Valerie Bell, AWANA CEO, shares her heart on child discipleship and the future of the church

A photo of Jocelyn Hrovath
October 4, 2022
Jocelyn Hrovath
Starting a Bible2School Program: A Mom’s Journey

Jocelyn Hrovath shares with us her journey through starting a Bible2School program not once but twice!

A photo of Elizabeth Urbanowicz
September 27, 2022
Elizabeth Urbanowicz
Teaching Kids To Think Like Christ, Not Culture

Elizabeth Urbanowicz discusses teaching the children in your life how to be active evaluators of their culture

A headshot of Kori Pennypacker, Bible2School's CEO
September 20, 2022
Kori Pennypacker
4 Reasons to Volunteer

Kori & Lee share about volunteering from a different lens that ends up blessing you with MORE energy in your tank!

A photo of Doug Clark, a spokesman for See You at the Pole
September 13, 2022
Doug Clark
See You at the Pole

Doug Clark, a spokesman for See You at the Pole, talks about the FIRST BEST THING students can do for their schools.


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7