A photo of Alex Kendrick ,movie producer and author
July 12, 2022
Alex Kendrick

Movie producer and author, Alex Kendrick, shares the importance of intentionality when sharing the love and hope of Jesus.

A photo of Lisa Landis, WJTL radio host
July 5, 2022
Lisa Landis
Our Favorite Episode – Bible Songs & Kids

WJTL radio host, Lisa Landis, explores how music can be used to introduce children to Jesus in a fun and memorable way.

A photo of David Moul, worship leader
June 14, 2022
David Moul
The Many Benefits of Biblical Singing

Worship leader, David Moul, explores how music, especially singing, connects us and our kids to each other and God’s Word.

A headshot of Stephanie Smith, Bible2School's Director of Operations
June 7, 2022
Stephanie Smith
Faith-Filled Summer Fun

Summer is here!! Stephanie Smith is sharing three ideas to have an intentional, faith-filled summer with the kids in your circle of influence.

A photo of Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship
May 31, 2022
Don MacLafferty
Fun and Engaging Ideas for a Kid’s Prayer Walk

Don MacLafferty, founder of In Discipleship, unpacks the importance of being a great disciple maker to the children in our lives and offers simple, effective tips.

A photo of Tom Luttmann, Bible Visuals International Executive Director
May 24, 2022
Tom Luttmann
Helping Our Children See Jesus

Bible Visuals International Executive Director, Tom Luttmann, shares how BVI is equiping ministries to help children see Jesus and practical tips for helping children see Jesus is our own homes.

A photo of Sally Burke, President of Mom’s in Prayer International
May 17, 2022
Sally Burke
How God is Working Through Praying Moms

Sally Burke, President of Mom’s in Prayer International, shares some simple yet powerful tips on prayer.

A photo of Leslie McCarthy
May 10, 2022
Leslie McCarthy
Ways We Can Help our Kids Be Passionate About Prayer

Bible2School teacher Leslie McCarthy shares some fun and practical tips to engage our children in prayer.


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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7