Episode 25: Praises from 2021 and Prayers for 2022

Happy New Year! Co-hosts Lee Nienhuis & Kori Pennypacker are back together for this special podcast episode where we review 2021 and look ahead to 2022. At Bible2School, we are dreaming new dreams together for this year and we continue to be blown away by the growth that God is bringing. A new year brings new possibilities, and we can’t wait to see what God has planned!

Some of the highlights from 2021 include:
– Over 1,000 kids are now registered for a Bible2School program. Almost 60% of these kids have no church home.
– We have seen a 50% growth within our program, despite COVID-19. Wow, God is good!

Ready to hear more? Listen to this episode to hear more praises from the past year, special Godstories, how to get involved, and learn how you can pray for us in 2022. Let’s go…

LEE NIENHUIS is an author and passionate Bible teacher. She is on the national speaking team for Moms in Prayer International and the Co-host of The Martha and Mary Show. Her books, Brave Moms, Brave Kids (2018) and Countercultural Parenting (2020), published by Harvest House, have helped countless parents gain a biblical perspective on parenting a godly and countercultural generation. Lee’s writing and speaking have been featured on Focus on the Family broadcast and magazine; True Woman; Proverbs 31, Hearts at Home, Iron Sharpens Iron conferences; GEMS Girls Clubs; and American Heritage Girls. Lee shares a dynamic vision for the next generation of Christ followers. Lee is an inductive Bible study teacher who leads a Bible training program for Women’s Ministry leaders in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. While she travels extensively, home is her favorite place to be.

Lee and her husband, Mike, have been married 22 years. They have four great kids and live at Grace Adventures, a Christian Camp and Conference Center in West Michigan where her husband serves as the Director of Facilities and Maintenance for three campuses. Mike and Lee have four great kids who make her need Jesus. Lee loves hot cups of coffee, laughing till her sides ache, and Jesus.

Resources For You:

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

Volunteer Spotlight w/ Kayli Brown

High schooler, Kayli Brown, used the Released Time rulings to volunteer with Bible2School, allowing her to share Jesus with public school students during their day!

3 Steps to Help Answer Kids’ Tough Questions

Children are known for their capacity to ask questions. When it comes to the big (and sometimes prickly) questions, we have some practical tips to help you feel confident and ready to respond instead of leaving you scratching your head and speechless.  

Easter Egg Music Shakers

We must teach children how to worship and give them the tools to cultivate a worshipful life. So, grab your leftover plastic Easter eggs and make some joyful noise with your children by making these fun Music Shakers!

Learn More
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7