Episode 77: The Jesus Revolution Movie

Today we hear from movie producer, Daryl Lefever, as he chats about his own journey into the adventure of film-making, and highlights the themes from “Jesus Revolution”, coming to theaters near you starting February 24th. This movie is an inspirational true story of a hippie revolution in the 70’s – known as the greatest spiritual awakening in American history! Real people, real struggles, and a story from the past that we can apply to our now. Listen in to hear why Daryl says we can have hope after watching this film…

DARYL LEFEVER has been in the film industry for 28 years and spent 15 of them as a feature film controller, traveling to locations around the world for up to a year at a time. His studio credits include X-MEN, THE POLAR EXPRESS, NANCY DREW, WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, THE LUCKY ONE, and WILD, WILD WEST. Directors for whom he’s provided day-to-day production guidance include Tom Hanks, Robert Zemeckis, Roland Emmerich, Spike Jones, and George Miller.

In 2008, Daryl decided to focus on producing Christian-themed filmmaking. In addition to JESUS REVOLUTION, his credits since then include FAITH OF OUR FATHERS, AMAZING LOVE, MOMS’ NIGHT OUT, WOODLAWN, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, UNPLANNED, and AMERICAN UNDERDOG.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7