Episode 70: Scripture Sleuths from the Creation Museum

Have you ever heard of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky? If not, today you’re in for a treat!

Walk with us into the Creation Museum, where we’ll sit with our guest, Dana Sneed, and examine Scripture like a Sleuth. God has given us His amazing, authoritative Word, filled with so many details and facts that teach us more about Him. How important are all those details? Dana gives us some examples of popular ideas we may believe and takes them back to Scripture to verify whether or not that perception is truth or speculation.

The best part about uncovering the truths in Scripture together is that we get to see how faithful our God is, and that He truly is the God of details.

Ready to be a Scripture Sleuth with Dana & Kori? Let’s go!

DR. DANA SNEED is an education specialist at Answers in Genesis. She develops and writes curricula, including Answers Bible Curriculum and its homeschool edition, and teaches educational programs at the Creation Museum. She earned a Master of Divinity and a PhD in Education from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis, TN.

Resources For You:

  • Answers in Genesis
  • Creation Museum
  • ArkEncounter
  • Dana Sneed on FB
  • Joshua 3
  • Luke 2
  • Matthew 2

Next Steps:

  • Tell us what tips you’re putting into practice at our website
  • Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram
  • Share this podcast with a friend
  • Subscribe to You CAN Tell the Children

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